Sunday, December 28, 2008

2008 is almost over

What a tumultuous ride. Here's a recap:

January: I officially graduated college. Wooo.

February: My boss called me into her office and told me they lost funds for my position and that I have less than two weeks at work. My reaction: "Oh shit." (In my head of course.)

March: Started another job that my old boss helped me find. Yay.

April: Family cruise to Bermuda. You know you're growing old when you go on vacation with your parents and actually enjoy it.

May: Graduation. Yup, months after actually graduating. One half of me was over it. The other half still couldn't process the gravity of it all. And then Mexico with the girlies. Yay for all-inclusives and fruity cocktails.

June: I started to notice my thighs expand and said: Oh hell no. And so I started going to yoga and Pilates classes regularly. Yay for free fitness classes in the summer. In news outside of my self-absorption, Hillary Clinton ends her presidential campaign. A piece of me wanted to cry a little. Bitter supporters turned to McCain, totally missing the point of her campaign. Signed up for my first credit card.

July: The presidential election starts to heat up. More bylines at work. Yay.

August: Olympics and Michael Phelps madness. If his body isn't an inspiration to work out, I don't know what is. Election madness. The McCain/Palin ticket wasn't good for my blood pressure. I attempted to quit shopping for a month. One weekend of relapse but I made it up with an extra weekend in September. A lovely weekend Philadelphia trip on a budget.

September: The economy gets shittier, prompting some panic attacks and a lot of reconsidering my career path. Fun times.

October: More election madness. Presidential and vice presidential debates made me want to throw things at Republicans. More economic shittiness.

November: I stopped going to biweekly yoga classes. Whatever, it's cold. The economy still shitty. BUT: Yay Obama!! And a freelancing opportunity opens up for me. Inspiring and hopeful (and no, I wasn't even an Obama worshipper).

December: Turned 23, though I still feel like a teenager. I haven't worked out since October. Will start again soon. It's been a year since I finished college, but I still don't really have this career path figured out. 2009 looks...uncertain for everyone.

I'm not superstitious and don't take horoscopes seriously, but my horoscope in the December issue of Glamour makes me want to believe:

"Ask the universe and ye shall receive! The stars are gearing up to grant you a long-held wish. Try to be patient, energetic Sag. It might take a little bit longer than you'd like for this dream to happen -- but it will."

And so I'll try to be optimistic. Be more aggressive. Start working out again. (It's been so much fun eating everything in sight these past 2 months though.) Goodbye, Bush and hellooooo President Obama. And yay, Philippines trip with the family!

Bring it, 2009.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

There is such a thing as being too thin

I stopped by a Barnes & Noble earlier this week and picked up a few women's magazines to look at pretty layouts and clothes (who reads these days anyway?). I noticed something similar in all of them: they were noticeably lighter. I had a stack of four and I didn't feel burdened at all. Cosmo, Lucky, Self, Glamour. They were all thinner. And now my Marie Claire subscription just arrived. It's much thinner too. It's freaking flimsy.

Magazines rely on advertisers to get more funds for content pages, and when advertisers are in trouble, magazines are in trouble.

This is terrifying.

As much as I know the future of publishing is in the internet, this is still really depressing. I grew up reading magazines, flipping through glossy pages of great layouts and ads and of course actually reading well-written articles and witty editorials. I'm not trying to be cliche, but honestly, magazines are the reason I decided to pursue Journalism. And if they die, it's like a part of me dies.
