Wednesday, November 21, 2007

1. Cut a hole in that box

I have a Things to Do for School List: paper, paper, paper, study, study, study. A Personal Things to Do List: buy lotion, update resume, shower, sleep, eat. A Things to Do After School List: look in to freelance writing, send out resumes, shower, sleep. I need to start a Christmas Gifts List. But its not even a month from now, so pssshhhh.

When I tell people at work that I'm still in school the typical response is, "How do you do it?" (I don't know why people are so in awe of this, there are some creatures out there who work full-time and go to school full-time, some of whom are even parents, or like, you know, do other things. Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing something wrong because these people have magazine jobs and clearly, they didn't do all this interning while in school. Wtf? Can someone tell me what to do? Seriously, just tell me, I'll do it. I'm good at following directions.)

Lists. Lists. Lists.

And coffee, food and sleep.

And then I remind myself about this woman I interviewed last year who has a full-time job and runs like a bajillion committees for her local community, who went to law school while she was raising her 4 (or was it 5? or 3? It doesn't matter) kids. And then I feel like a lazy failure again.

And that's the way you dooo it...

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